Author: Jessica Neuner

  • Industry and Manufacturing

    MessageNet Connections helps colleges and universities communicate emergency alerts during crisis situations as well as daily messaging with students and staff across many different platforms.

  • Best Practices for a Safe Environment

    Last week, I wrote about how important it is to have a plan for emergency events. More lives are saved when a plan is in place and everyone knows what to do, rather than simply reacting to the situation. The Council of Educational Facilities Planners International have released Safe Schools: A Best Practices Guide, for…

  • Don’t Be Surprised by Emergencies

    While everyone hopes that emergency situations don’t arise, it’s important to not let one take you by surprise. According to Campus Security Magazine, your emergency alert system is ‘only as good as your plan’. Having a plan in place for any possible emergency situations is important and can save lives. However, Campus Security also believes…

  • Prepare For the Worst

    All technology eventually fails. Cars, phones, tablets, computers, even MessageNet servers. MessageNet Connections, which is often heavily relied upon for both everyday and emergency communications, is software and web browser-based. However, the hardware that supports it unfortunately cannot last forever. Many customers that have been with MessageNet for many years and have much older servers…

  • Application & User Training Course

    MessageNet Systems Application/User Training Course Expand Your Knowledge of MessageNet: The MessageNet Systems Application and User Training Program is a two-day hands-on course that covers the basic and advanced features of message creation and delivery through the MessageNet user interface.  The interactive instruction and labs provided in this course will allow students to learn and practice how to…

  • Sales Training Course

    MessageNet Systems Sales Training Course Expand Your Knowledge of MessageNet: The MessageNet Systems Sales Training Program is a two-day hands-on course designed for individuals that are seeking ways to differentiate themselves in their markets and their need to understand that integrating diverse systems, using MessageNet, truly separates them from their competitors.  Daily, there are a variety of…

  • Using Web Links in Emergency Messaging

    The internet can be a powerful messaging tool, especially when it comes to getting specific information out to specific people in an emergency situation. MessageNet Connections can provide links to web pages that pop up and load on PCs when the message is sent. This type of message can also be sent to LCD digital…

  • The Benefits of Barricading

    In light of the recent shootings at the Navy Base in Washington, D.C., it’s important to think about what our responses should be in an emergency. In situations with an active shooter, locking the door is one of the quickest things to do for people to protect themselves, but it’s often not enough. A locked…

  • The Trouble with Weather Alerts

    We’re often asked if we can automate weather alerts from the National Weather Service. While this is possible with MessageNet Connections, it’s not recommended. Weather alerts are often broadcast to a very large area and aren’t always relevant to specific buildings or locations. Automating weather alert messages also precludes any customization from the message, so…

  • MessageNet PA capabilities

    Most people think of PA as being a simple audio tool. Pick up a phone and speak and your voice will be transmitted to speakers all over the building. While MessageNet does have the capability to transmit to any combination of speakers, our PA system has a lot more to offer. Reply to a PA…