Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Benefits of Way-finding are Finally Being Realized

    Have you ever noticed how practically nobody asks for directions anymore? And why should they? Directions or maps are literally at our fingertips these days. With smart phones, GPS, and online mapping software, I think most of us are now empowered to know how to get somewhere; I believe there’s also a certain mind-set that…

  • Make Power Point Presentations Compatible

    MessageNet Connections can be used to make media messages that can be posted to LCD screens. Media messages can contain videos, photos, Power Point presentations, or other types of media. Power Point presentations, while still easy to attach to a message, have a few more specifications to make them compatible. A good tip is to…

  • Common Easily Avoidable Errors (part 3)- Accidental Restrictions

    The following tips are for current MessageNet users. If you aren’t a current user, feel free to keep reading to see the many ways MessageNet connections can work for you. MessageNet Connections has different security classes of users, ranging from Manager level to basic. This allows one or more people to act as administrators of…

  • What’s in a Message?

    There really is a lot more to a message than what one might typically think. The typical everyday messaging we think about might include basics like phone calls, SMS text messages and emails. The common denominators of channels such as these include just a few basic aspects: sender, recipient, message, and perhaps subjects and/or attachments.…

  • Importance of Multiple Communication Channels –
    Layered Communications

    When it comes to the safety of our data, we usually take advantage of redundant hard drives, and even redundant computers. With investments like that, it becomes apparent that other important things should utilize redundancy, as well. Even before our modern age, even burglar alarms have often offered redundancy. So why put all of your…

  • Common Easily Avoidable Errors (part 2)- Messages That Never Expire

    The following tips are for current MessageNet Connections users. If you aren’t one yet, you can feel free to skip ahead to the next article or keep reading to find out the many ways MessageNet Connections can help you. Messages that don’t expire can cause all sorts of problems, from the mildly annoying at best…

  • Common Easily Avoidable Errors (part 1)- Save vs. Save as New

    The following tips are for current MessageNet users. If you aren’t a current user, feel free to keep reading to see the many ways MessageNet connections can work for you. A common mistake a lot of people make is confusing the ‘save’ and ‘save as new’ buttons. This can happen almost anywhere on the MessageNet…

  • PC Alerts- What They Are and What They’re Used For

    A PC Alert is a small computer program that can be downloaded from the MessageNet website. It’s meant only for receiving messages and it’s how messages are sent directly to computer screens. Unlike an e-mail, which might go unread or unnoticed for a while, a PC Alert message pops up on the computer screen in…

  • Unlike Most Communication Systems: MessageNet Connections

    There are a lot of different communication systems out there. So what makes MessageNet Connections special? MessageNet Connections can send messages to just about any device in just about any combination possible. You could send a message to one person’s e-mail address, the TV screen in the office across the hall, the speakers in the…

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