Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Unifying Digital Signage with Safety and Security
Digital signage has become a mainstay of public communications. In public spaces, it is commonly used for displaying video, PowerPoints and web content. MessageNet Systems greatly extends these common features by offering MediaPort digital signage, a revolutionary, unique and unprecedented way of enabling emergency communications on the same devices used for everyday communication, available now.…
The Importance of PC Alert
PC Alert can be used for everyday communication, but it’s used best for emergency situations. Because it can pop through other windows and even through password-free screen savers, PC Alert is ideal for making sure the message can be seen. And because PC Alert can be disabled only by a system administrator, you can trust…
Now Offering Theater Emergency Management and Security (TEMS) system
MessageNet Systems is offering movie theaters a much-needed way to address their emerging safety and security needs, in the wake of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. This solution, called Theater Emergency Management and Security, or “TEMS,” leverages the power and flexibility of its time- and field-tested “Connections” platform to meet the specific security needs…
Security at the London 2012 Olympics
For the 2012 Olympics, London, which already had a large number of security cameras, did everything from install surface-to-air missiles to surveillance systems for infectious diseases. One of the most important innovations for the Olympic Games, however, is probably the introduction of the Apollo network. For the first time in Olympic history, Private Mobile Services Radio provider…
Reliance on Mobile Phone Services
Mobile phone technology is ubiquitous in our culture. Nearly everyone has a mobile phone, and given the recent developments of their capabilities, it’s easy to see why. Phones can function as GPS units, mobile media devices and mini computers in addition to the more basic features such as text messaging, e-mail, and phone calls. Perhaps…
Smarter Security in Movie Theaters and Public Venues
First, I want to express both my own and my company’s genuine shock and sadness about the horrific attack in Aurora, Colorado during the early morning of July 20. The tragic violence of a mass shooting at a movie theater during the premiere of a big movie like The Dark Knight Rises has me, like…
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