Category: Press Releases

  • Recent events are causing a large increase in the number of surveillance and video cameras in public locations. This can cause information overload if the cameras aren’t effectively managed. With more cameras than people to view the recordings, important video footage can go ignored. MessageNet offers a solution to this problem by integrating camera and surveillance systems with a spectrum of external sensors such as sound meters and motion detectors, available now.

    “Video has come to play a huge role in communications technology whether for emergency or everyday use. And while we can record all video footage, catching something significant can be next to impossible in time to prevent an emergency from happening,” says Kevin Brown, CEO of MessageNet Systems. “A lot of surveillance systems’ recorded video is only useful after the fact. In order to address this problem, and catch potential emergencies as or before they happen, we knew we needed to find some way to make the relevant video stand apart from the hours of similar-looking footage.”

    Connections can integrate with such sensors as motion detectors, door-open detectors, glass-break detectors, heat and gas sensors, even sound meters (commonly used in hospitals). These sensors can cause a camera to turn on, begin recording, display a video feed on any network-connected screen, or even send an e-mail.

    “In an emergency situation, it’s vital that the right people are informed as soon as possible, so any potential damage can be mitigated. Connections, as a multi-platform system, can combine different devices in order to do this,” says Brown. “For example, if there’s an intruder in a school, input from a glass-break detector can automatically activate a camera to record the intruder, display the video feed to the security responders, record the video footage for future review, and even launch a notification to anyone who needs to know, or make an automated PA announcement with instructions for students and staff.”

    Connections can provide significant ROI by combining pre-existing systems while leaving room for new additions later on. Investing in an extensive camera system or extending a current surveillance system is ineffective without having a system that can integrate them with technology that can effectively monitor and interpret the incoming data.

    For more information about video, safety and security, please visit:

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  • Electronic signage has become a mainstay of public communications. Because these types of signs are increasingly used for both everyday and emergency situations, it is important for signs to have both audio and visual capabilities. MessageNet systems’ Audio/Visual PA meets this criteria, fulfilling the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Because these signs are powered over ethernet, they can run on levels of power a long distance from the power source.

    “PoE signs are the optimal emergency messaging tool. When other devices aren’t working because of a power outage, these signs, which use data instead of a power outlet, can function on lower levels of power. They’re also a powerful emergency device because they can deliver information in both audio and visual formats,” says Kevin Brown, CEO of MessageNet Systems. “Audio PA alone is now obsolete. Even if no one in the vicinity is deaf or blind, that can all change very quickly in an emergency. An explosion, for example, can render anyone temporarily deaf or blind and we need to take that into account.”

    PoE signs have a variety of capabilities, including speakers, scrolling text capabilities, and flashers, which can be used to alert people in the vicinity to a new message or to differentiate between normal communications and
    emergency messages. With MessageNet Connections, messages can be scrolled repeatedly and can continue to play after an audio portion of the message has finished. Audio messages themselves can be spoken live, recorded and played later, or typed and spoken as text-to-speech. An important new feature of Connections is that messages spoken live are now recorded as well, allowing for replay either over the speakers or access through the system for later reviewing. Automatically recording a message that is spoken live also creates an audit trail for messages, creating additional accountability for users beyond the already-existing sign-in requirement.

    “In an emergency, it can take too long to record a message. But speaking a message live can have its problems, too. Recording that message allows a user to quickly get a message to people in the area, but can be repeated without that user needing to stay, which could be hazardous in an emergency situation,” says Kevin Brown.

    Connections and PoE signs can be easily integrated with devices that customers have already installed and can be expanded as well. Using digital signage with Connections provides significant ROI because it eliminates the cost of printing, distributing, and installing traditional printed media. Also, only one system is necessary, because it provides both everyday and emergency capabilities and can be used for customer-oriented content or to facilitate staff communication.

    For more information on MediaPort and the Connections server software platform, please visit:

  • Digital signage has become a mainstay of public communications. In public spaces, it is commonly used for displaying video, PowerPoints and web content. MessageNet Systems greatly extends these common features by offering MediaPort digital signage, a revolutionary, unique and unprecedented way of enabling emergency communications on the same devices used for everyday communication, available now.

    MediaPort’s capabilities also include video-conferencing, as well as real-time live audio and visual public address. Further, these advancements meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and constitute a major part of MessageNet’s success in unifying safety, security and communication systems. MediaPort digital signage, powered by the Connections platform, provides all of this in addition to standard digital signage capability in a much-needed way to address safety and security needs inflatable santa claus.

    “It’s important to have every day and emergency capabilities on the same device,” says Kevin Brown, CEO of MessageNet Systems. “If they’re not on the same device, you can get different information competing for attention. An emergency message could go unnoticed because of a loud video playing on a different screen. With our Connections platform, however, the same digital sign can function as an everyday and emergency device. An emergency message is treated with a higher priority and will pause or override a lower-priority message, so there’s no chance of it getting lost amongst other media.”

    This unification allows digital signage to play a major role in emergency communication. MediaPort provides features such as location-aware evacuation routing, displaying and recording security-camera video, automated alert messages, gives clear instructions, and interrupts any lower-priority messages so that the emergency message is guaranteed to come through. These capabilities can also be used for everyday purposes. MediaPort can also be used for everyday wayfinding, video-conferencing, and displaying videos, images and web pages. Additionally, basic features such as scrolling tickers and text messages can be used to facilitate communications among customers and staff or provide updates of emergency situations.

    Connections can be easily integrated with digital signage that customers have already installed and can be expanded as well. Using digital signage with Connections provides significant ROI because it eliminates the cost of printing, distributing, and installing traditional printed media. Also, only one system is necessary, because it provides both everyday and emergency capabilities and can be used for customer-oriented content or to facilitate staff communication.

    For more information on MediaPort and the Connections server software platform, please visit:

    [Syndicated Release]

  • MessageNet Systems is offering movie theaters a much-needed way to address their emerging safety and security needs, in the wake of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. This solution, called Theater Emergency Management and Security, or “TEMS,” leverages the power and flexibility of its time- and field-tested “Connections” platform to meet the specific security needs of movie theaters and similar public venues. The solution is available now.

    The shooting in Aurora, Colorado, has underscored the urgent need for such a solution. “The employment of uniformed police officers is a short-term, stop-gap measure meant to reassure patrons, but in the long-term, the presence of an officer or armed guard is not economically feasible and could have the effect of constantly reigniting customers’ fears,” says Kevin Brown, CEO of MessageNet Systems. “To preserve profitability, theaters require a permanent, technology-based solution that is comprehensive and cost-effective, and doesn’t further encumber staff or be obtrusive to customers. Because perpetrators will continue to modify their means and methods of attack, the security system deployed must have the flexibility to evolve to meet these changing demands. Theaters that fail to address these vulnerabilities increase their exposure risk to another tragedy and incur significant financial liability.”

    The TEMS solution utilizes features of the MessageNet’s Connections platform and is designed for theaters and their evolving safety and security needs. The full TEMS feature-set is customizable for each theater but can include devices and capabilities such as door-open detectors, cameras and video, panic and duress buttons, and fire-related emergency management through an interface with existing fire panel equipment. “A typical TEMS integration is affordable, quick to install and easy to use because the Connections platform is designed to integrate, connect and work with existing technologies that are already deployed, while providing the ability to add new technologies as they are needed,” says Brown. “It is easy for a multiplex to install a few cameras and door-open detectors on the exit doors, which can be wirelessly connected to the Connections platform and provide nearly instant notification and situational-awareness to staff and first responders.” TEMS can also provide a significant ROI because it provides daily-use abilities such as preventing theater hopping, quickly handling unruly patrons, supporting digital signage, enabling staff messaging, and more.

    For more information on the TEMS solution, please visit:

    [Syndicated Release]